I am a , Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani
Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani
Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani
Will Soltani, portfolio Will Soltani Will Soltani , I am a front end developer, back end developer
and a full stack developer, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani.
portfolio Will Soltani I am a , Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Gupta, I am a front end developer, back end
developer and a full stack developer, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani portfolio I am a , Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Gupta, I am a front end developer, back end developer and a full
stack developer, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani portfolio I am a
, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani
Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani
Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani
Will Soltani, Will Soltani Gupta, I am a front end developer, back end developer and a full stack developer,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani portfolio I am a ,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani , I am a front end developer, back end developer and a full stack developer, Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani portfolio I am a , Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, portfolio Will Soltani
, I am a front end developer, back end developer and a full stack developer, Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani portfolio I am a , Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, portfolio Will Soltani
, I am a front end developer, back end developer and a full stack developer, Will Soltani
Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani portfolio Will Soltani I am a ,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
portfolio Will Soltani , I am a front end developer, back end developer and a full stack developer,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani portfolio I am a ,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
portfolio Will Soltani , I am a front end developer, back end developer and a full stack developer,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani portfolio I am a ,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani,
portfolio Will Soltani , I am a front end developer, back end developer and a full stack developer,
Will Soltani Will Soltani Will Soltani, Will Soltani. portfolio A computer ,
sometimes called more recently a coder (especially in more informal contexts), is a person who creates
computer software. The term computer programmer can refer to a specialist in one area of computers, or to a
generalist who writes code for many kinds of software. A programmer's most oft-used computer language (e.g.,
Assembly, COBOL, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Lisp, Python) may be prefixed to the term programmer. Some who work
with web programming languages also prefix their titles with web. programmeing contains a range of occupations
that involve programming also often require a range of other, similar skills, for example: (software)
developer, web developer, mobile applications developer, embedded firmware developer, software engineer,
computer scientist, game programmer, game developer and software analyst. The use of the term programmer as
applied to these positions is sometimes considered an insulting simplification or even derogatory. British
countess and mathematician Ada Lovelace is often considered to be the first computer programmer, as she was
the first to publish part of a program (specifically an algorithm) intended for implementation on Charles
Babbage's analytical engine, in October 1842. The algorithm was used to calculate Bernoulli numbers.[7]
Because Babbage's machine was never completed as a functioning standard in Lovelace's time, she
unfortunately never had the opportunity to see the algorithm in action. The ENIAC programming team,
consisting of Kay McNulty, Betty Jennings, Betty Snyder, Marlyn Wescoff, Fran Bilas and Ruth Lichterman were
the first regularly working programmers.[8][9] International Programmers' Day is celebrated annually on 7
January.[10] In 2009, the government of Russia decreed a professional annual holiday known as Programmers'
Day to be celebrated on 13 September (12 September in leap years). It had already been an unofficial holiday
before that in many countries. The word software was used as early as 1953, but did not regularly appear in
print until the 1960s.[11] Before this time, computers were programmed either by customers or the few
commercial computer manufacturers of the time, such as UNIVAC and IBM. The first company founded to
specifically provide software products and services was the Computer Usage Company, in 1955.[12] The
software industry expanded in the early 1960s, almost immediately after computers were first sold in
mass-produced quantities. Universities, governments and businesses created a demand for software. Many of
these programs were written in-house by full-time staff programmers; some were distributed freely between
users of a particular machine for no charge. And others were developed on a commercial basis. Other firms,
such as Computer Sciences Corporation (founded in 1959) also started to grow. The computer/hardware
manufacturers soon started bundling operating systems, system software and programming environments with
their machines.[citation needed] The industry expanded greatly with the rise of the personal computer ("PC")
in the mid-1970s, which brought computing to the average office worker. In the following years the PC also
helped create a constantly-growing market for games, applications and utilities software. CP/M, later
replaced by DOS, Microsoft's Windows popular operating system of the time.[13] portfolio programmer Will Soltani
In the early years of the 21st century, another successful business model has arisen for hosted software,
called software-as-a-service, or SaaS. From the point of view of producers of some proprietary software,
SaaS reduces the concerns about unauthorized copying, since it can only be accessed through the Web, and by
definition, no client software is loaded onto the end user's PC. SaaS is typically run out of the cloud.
Computer programmers write, test, debug, and maintain the detailed instructions, called computer programs,
that computers must follow to perform their functions. Programmers also conceive, design, and test logical
structures for solving problems by computer. Many technical innovations in programming — advanced computing
technologies and sophisticated new languages and programming tools — have redefined the role of a programmer
and elevated much of the programming work done today. Job titles and descriptions may vary, depending on the
organization. Programmers work in many settings, including corporate information technology ("IT")
departments, big software companies, small service firms and government entities of all sizes. Many
professional programmers also work for consulting companies at client sites as contractors. Licensing is not
typically required to work as a programmer, although professional certifications are commonly held by
programmers. Programming is widely considered a profession (although some[who?] authorities disagree on the
grounds that only careers with legal licensing requirements count as a profession). Programmers' work varies
widely depending on the type of business for which they are writing programs. For example, the instructions
involved in updating financial records are very different from those required to duplicate conditions on an
aircraft for pilots training in a flight simulator. Simple programs can be written in a few hours, more
complex ones may require more than a year of work, while others are never considered 'complete' but rather
are continuously improved as long as they stay in use. In most cases, several programmers work together as a
team under a senior programmer's supervision. portfolio A software engineer writing JavaScript portfolio
programmer Will Programmers write programs according to the specifications determined primarily by more
senior programmers and by systems analysts. After the design process is complete, it is the job of the
programmer to convert that design into a logical series of instructions that the computer can follow. The
programmer codes these instructions in one of many programming languages. Different programming languages
are used depending on the purpose of the program. COBOL, for example, is commonly used for business
applications that typically run on mainframe and midrange computers, whereas Fortran is used in science and
engineering. C++ and Python are widely used for both scientific and business applications. Java, C#, JS and
PHP are popular programming languages for Web and business applications. Programmers generally know more
than one programming language and, because many languages are similar, they often can learn new languages
relatively easily. In practice, programmers often are referred to by the language they know, e.g. as Java
programmers, or by the type of function they perform or environment in which they work: for example,
database programmers, mainframe programmers, or Web developers. When making changes to the source code that
programs are made up of, programmers need to make other programmers aware of the task that the routine is to
perform. They do this by inserting comments in the source code so that others can understand the program
more easily and by documenting their code. To save work, programmers often use libraries of basic code that
can be modified or customized for a specific application. This approach yields more reliable and consistent
programs and increases programmers' productivity by eliminating some routine steps. Testing and debugging
Programmers test a program by running it and looking for bugs (errors). As they are identified, the
programmer usually makes the appropriate corrections, then rechecks the program until an acceptably low
level and severity of bugs remain. This process is called testing and debugging. These are important parts
of every programmer's job. Programmers may continue to fix these problems throughout the life of a program.
Updating, repairing, modifying, and expanding existing programs is sometimes called maintenance programming.
Programmers may contribute to user guides and online help, or they may work with technical writers to do
such work. Application versus system programming Computer programmers often are grouped into two broad
types: application programmers and systems programmers. Application programmers write programs to handle a
specific job, such as a program to track inventory within an organization. They also may revise existing
packaged software or customize generic applications which are frequently purchased from independent software
vendors. Systems programmers, in contrast, write programs to maintain and control computer systems software,
such as operating systems and database management systems. These workers make changes in the instructions
that determine how the network, workstations, and CPU of the system handle the various jobs they have been
given and how they communicate with peripheral equipment such as printers and disk drives. programmer Will
Types of software portfolio Programmers in software development companies may work directly with experts
from various fields to create software – either programs designed for specific clients or packaged software
for general use – ranging from video games to educational software to programs for desktop publishing and
financial planning. Programming of packaged software constitutes one of the most rapidly growing segments of
the computer services industry. Some companies or organizations – even small ones – have set up their own IT
team to ensure the design and development of in-house software to answer to very specific needs from their
internal end-users, especially when existing software are not suitable or too expensive. This is for example
the case in research laboratories.[citation needed] In some organizations, particularly small ones, people
commonly known as programmer analysts are responsible for both the systems analysis and the actual
programming work. The transition from a mainframe environment to one that is based primarily on personal
computers (PCs) has blurred the once rigid distinction between the programmer and the user. Increasingly,
adept end users are taking over many of the tasks previously performed by programmers. For example, the
growing use of packaged software, such as spreadsheet and database management software packages, allows
users to write simple programs to access data and perform calculations.[citation needed] programmer Will
In addition, the rise of the Internet has made web development a huge part of the programming field.
Currently more software applications are web applications that can be used by anyone with a web
browser.[citation needed] Examples of such applications include the Google search service, the Outlook.com
e-mail service, and the Flickr photo-sharing service. programmer Will Programming editors, also known as
source code editors, are text editors that are specifically designed for programmers or developers for
writing the source code of an application or a program. Most of these editors include features useful for
programmers, which may include color syntax highlighting, auto indentation, auto-complete, bracket matching,
syntax check, and allows plug-ins. These features aid the users during coding, debugging and testing.[17]
portfolio programmer Will Programming is the process of creating a set of instructions that tell a
computer how to perform a task. Programming can be done using a variety of computer "languages," such as
SQL, Java, Python, and C++.